every experience is different

every experience is different

unique in what you will see and experience and the purpose the higher self has in revealing the details of each regression. So I can’t tell you specifically what a regression will hold for you, but I can tell you that it will be a gift that holds understanding as you...
every experience is different

I was more than pleased

Mira is an extraordinary person with a lot of love in her heart. You immediately become comfortable in her presence. She also recorded our session on her laptop and sent me the file electronically so I could listen to it again. I highly recommend that anyone try this...
every experience is different

Life Does Not Need To Be Hard

After our session, Mario chose to dissociate from the belief of life as a struggle. He realized that the circumstances that created the belief do not exist in his life, that he is a different person now. He realized that he has the power to choose and that he does not...