by Mira Kelley | May 2, 2018 | General
Canker sores are so painful and annoying when they pop in your mouth! What causes them and how to heal them? I have the natural remedy that will make the canker sore go away immediately! It is called Ioxan and it is a based on an Edgar Cayce formula. Cayce was an...
by Mira Kelley | Mar 6, 2018 | Past Life Regression
Can having a lack of money be a protection inherited from a past life? Can a block to prosperity be removed by reconnecting with a past life? Maria was doing inner change of her beliefs and emotions on prosperity. In a quiet moment of facing the challenging inner...
by Mira Kelley | Jun 2, 2017 | General
Your chakras hold the key to unlocking your wealth! In my Unlimited Wealth class we will journey through the chakras to clear your blocks to prosperity. Each chakra acts as a tuner that is able to receive frequency or electromagnetic signals that carry information. As...
by Mira Kelley | Jun 2, 2017 | Videos
Do you have an illness or pain in your body? Is your body trying to tell you something? Hear me talk about Bill’s hernia in this video. Listen to how he found out what his body was trying to tell him and how being aware of your body will set you on the path to...
by Mira Kelley | May 29, 2017 | Past Life Regression, Videos
Resentment is such a difficult emotion. It comes in so many facets. In order to resolve resentment, you have to look deeper than just the person that initially caused the feeling. I talk about all this and more in this video. Helping so many reach their feelings and...