by Mira Kelley | Mar 11, 2010 | Inspiration, Past Life Regression
Written By Hypocriticist I was driving around the Catskills on an impromptu ski trip two weeks ago. I skiied in the afternoon, and then drove back to a motel. As I was driving around the motel parking lot, the brakes in my car all of a sudden stopped working. It...
by Mira Kelley | Jan 19, 2010 | Past Life Regression
Written By Hypocriticist We had a chance to visit Savannah, Georgia for New Year’s eve. On Savannah’s busy “River Street” we strolled along the harbor where many large seagoing vessels were docked. Savannah is a bustling commercial port, and in...
by Mira Kelley | Aug 3, 2009 | Earth and Body Temple, Past Life Regression
Written By Hypocriticist “For something people profess to like so much, grass is peculiarly hard for us to see. Oh, you can see it well enough in a general sense, but how much do you really see when you look at a patch of grass? The color of green, of course, perhaps...
by Mira Kelley | Mar 31, 2009 | Inspiration, Past Life Regression
By: Hypocriticist Prominent economists and legal scholars argue that the difference between a recession and a depression is largely psychological, and also political, but not necessarily technical in terms of statistical economic indicators. If this is true, which I...
by Mira Kelley | Mar 31, 2009 | Past Life Regression
I am very happy to share with you that we have a new guest blogger. His name is Hypocriticist. Hypocriticist is a friend of mine who also lives in New York. It is great that he will be posting with us whenever he feels moved to because that will give you a different...