The Peacemaker Ship

Written By Hypocriticist

We had a chance to visit Savannah, Georgia for New Year’s eve. On Savannah’s busy “River Street” we strolled along the harbor where many large seagoing vessels were docked. Savannah is a bustling commercial port, and in addition to viewing gigantic container ships bound for Asia and South America, we also had the opportunity to spend some time on the “Peacemaker”. The Peacemaker is a tall sailing ship owned and crewed by members of a Christian sect that lives in a number of communities throughout the world. They were playing music, showing people around the ship, and would answer questions about their religious community. They consider the boat to be an ambassdor of their faith, which is a conservative Christian tradition that relies on strict, literal interpretations of the Bible. We enjoyed a few hours on their boat where the younger members of the local Savannah Peacemaker community were playing Irish and Israeli folk tunes.

We left the boat feeling inspired and happy, and very peaceful. The spot we disembarked was in the heart of Savannah’s New Year’s Eve on River Street, the most bustling tourist section of the city. As the crowds grew, the air dampened and the general drunkenness increased all around us, we couldn’t help but feel a little wistful for the sane and peaceable environment aboard the Peacemaker. The people we met there were friendly and they were never preachy or evangelistic – they welcomed us into their home and made our visit to Savannah that much more enjoyable. I have the fondest memories of our visit with them.

Back out in the streets of Savannah, we experienced the general mood of New Year’s debauchery and revelry. It was wild and entertaining. But it was also a weird adjustment for us after all that peacemaking. The yelling, stumbling and general sense of revelry took us by surprise, and in truth, we partially yearned for the peaceful, wood-paneled environment of the Peacemaker. But we managed to make it through the crowds to a beautiful vantage point for the New Year’s fireworks, despite being in a strange place, ever-increasing crowds and a light rain. We really loved Savannah. It was a place we had never been, and we had a great experience there. But even with all the amazing memories, my fondest memory – and our most meaningful experience – was on board that beautiful ship. Without endorsing any their beliefs, which we confess that we do not really understand, we can definitely say that Peacemakers are hospitable and decent folk. Anyone who has an opportunity to visit their beautiful ship should do so.

Here you can read a Boston Globe article on the Peacemaker ship and its community.

This material is protected by Copyright Law. We are freely sharing it with you with the hope of inspiring you and bringing light to your life.

© Copyright 2009, Rethnea. All rights reserved.

Written By Hypocriticist

We had a chance to visit Savannah, Georgia for New Year’s eve. On Savannah’s busy “River Street” we strolled along the harbor where many large seagoing vessels were docked. Savannah is a bustling commercial port, and in addition to viewing gigantic container ships bound for Asia and South America, we also had the opportunity to spend some time on the “Peacemaker”. The Peacemaker is a tall sailing ship owned and crewed by members of a Christian sect that lives in a number of communities throughout the world. They were playing music, showing people around the ship, and would answer questions about their religious community. They consider the boat to be an ambassdor of their faith, which is a conservative Christian tradition that relies on strict, literal interpretations of the Bible. We enjoyed a few hours on their boat where the younger members of the local Savannah Peacemaker community were playing Irish and Israeli folk tunes.

We left the boat feeling inspired and happy, and very peaceful. The spot we disembarked was in the heart of Savannah’s New Year’s Eve on River Street, the most bustling tourist section of the city. As the crowds grew, the air dampened and the general drunkenness increased all around us, we couldn’t help but feel a little wistful for the sane and peaceable environment aboard the Peacemaker. The people we met there were friendly and they were never preachy or evangelistic – they welcomed us into their home and made our visit to Savannah that much more enjoyable. I have the fondest memories of our visit with them.

Back out in the streets of Savannah, we experienced the general mood of New Year’s debauchery and revelry. It was wild and entertaining. But it was also a weird adjustment for us after all that peacemaking. The yelling, stumbling and general sense of revelry took us by surprise, and in truth, we partially yearned for the peaceful, wood-paneled environment of the Peacemaker. But we managed to make it through the crowds to a beautiful vantage point for the New Year’s fireworks, despite being in a strange place, ever-increasing crowds and a light rain. We really loved Savannah. It was a place we had never been, and we had a great experience there. But even with all the amazing memories, my fondest memory – and our most meaningful experience – was on board that beautiful ship. Without endorsing any their beliefs, which we confess that we do not really understand, we can definitely say that Peacemakers are hospitable and decent folk. Anyone who has an opportunity to visit their beautiful ship should do so.

Here you can read a Boston Globe article on the Peacemaker ship and its community.

This material is protected by Copyright Law. We are freely sharing it with you with the hope of inspiring you and bringing light to your life.


© Copyright 2009, Rethnea. All rights reserved.

Written By Hypocriticist

We had a chance to visit Savannah, Georgia for New Year’s eve. On Savannah’s busy “River Street” we strolled along the harbor where many large seagoing vessels were docked. Savannah is a bustling commercial port, and in addition to viewing gigantic container ships bound for Asia and South America, we also had the opportunity to spend some time on the “Peacemaker”. The Peacemaker is a tall sailing ship owned and crewed by members of a Christian sect that lives in a number of communities throughout the world. They were playing music, showing people around the ship, and would answer questions about their religious community. They consider the boat to be an ambassdor of their faith, which is a conservative Christian tradition that relies on strict, literal interpretations of the Bible. We enjoyed a few hours on their boat where the younger members of the local Savannah Peacemaker community were playing Irish and Israeli folk tunes.

We left the boat feeling inspired and happy, and very peaceful. The spot we disembarked was in the heart of Savannah’s New Year’s Eve on River Street, the most bustling tourist section of the city. As the crowds grew, the air dampened and the general drunkenness increased all around us, we couldn’t help but feel a little wistful for the sane and peaceable environment aboard the Peacemaker. The people we met there were friendly and they were never preachy or evangelistic – they welcomed us into their home and made our visit to Savannah that much more enjoyable. I have the fondest memories of our visit with them.

Back out in the streets of Savannah, we experienced the general mood of New Year’s debauchery and revelry. It was wild and entertaining. But it was also a weird adjustment for us after all that peacemaking. The yelling, stumbling and general sense of revelry took us by surprise, and in truth, we partially yearned for the peaceful, wood-paneled environment of the Peacemaker. But we managed to make it through the crowds to a beautiful vantage point for the New Year’s fireworks, despite being in a strange place, ever-increasing crowds and a light rain. We really loved Savannah. It was a place we had never been, and we had a great experience there. But even with all the amazing memories, my fondest memory – and our most meaningful experience – was on board that beautiful ship. Without endorsing any their beliefs, which we confess that we do not really understand, we can definitely say that Peacemakers are hospitable and decent folk. Anyone who has an opportunity to visit their beautiful ship should do so.

Here you can read a Boston Globe article on the Peacemaker ship and its community.

This material is protected by Copyright Law. We are freely sharing it with you with the hope of inspiring you and bringing light to your life.

© Copyright 2009, Rethnea. All rights reserved.

Автор Hypocriticist

Имахме щастието да посетим Савана, Джорджия, за Нова Година.  Разхождахме се по многолюдната улица Ривър Стрийт край пристанището, където много големи плавателни съдове стояха на док. Савана е оживено търговско пристанище и освен да гледаме гигантски контейнеровози, пътуващи за Азия и Южна Америка, имахме възможността да прекараме малко време на кораба “Миротворец”. Миротворецът е висок плавателен съд собственост на християнска секта , която осигурява и екипажа му. Тази секта живее в няколко на брой общества по света. Те свирят музикални произведения, развеждат хората из кораба и биха отговорили на всички въпроси, свързани с тяхното общество. Те приемат кораба си като посланик на тяхната вяра, която е консервативна християнска традиция, основава на стриктно, буквално тълкуване на Библията.  Прекарахме няколко приятна часа на техния кораб, където млади членове на местното общество Миротворец свиреха Ирландски и Израелски фолклорни мелодии.

Напуснахме кораба одухотворени, щастливи и много спокойни. Мястото, където дебаркирахме беше в сърцето на Новогодишна Савана, на Ривър Стрийт, най-оживената туристическа част на града. С нарастването на тълпата, въздухът ставаше тежък  с влага и общото пиянство се увеличаваше навсякъде около нас. Не можехме друго, освен да се чувстваме унесени от  миролюбивата и разумна среда на борда на “Миротворец.”  Хората, които срещахме бяха дружелюбни и без да са склонни да поучават или проповядват – те ни посрещнаха любезно в своя дом и направиха посещението ни в Савана толкова много по-приятно.  Пазя най-мили спомени от нашата визита при тях.

Обратно по улиците на Савана, изпитахме всеобщата Новогодишна невъздържаност и  гуляйджийство. Беше диво и забавно.  Беше странно да се приспособим след това умиротворение.  Виковете, препъванията и общото чувство на пируване ни изненада и наистина, закопняхме за спокойствието и атмосферата сред дървената облицовка на Миротвореца.  Успяхме да си проправим път сред тълпата към по-красива точка за да наблюдаваме Новогодишните фойерверки, въпреки все по-растящата тълпа и дъжд.  Савана ни хареса много. Беше място, където не бяхме посещавали никога преди, но прекарахме чудесно. Но сред всичките ни изумителни спомени, моето най-значимо преживяване беше на борда на онзи красив кораб.  Без да потвърждавам или отричам тяхната вяра, която ние признаваме, че в действителност не разбираме, можем определено да кажем, че Миротворците са гостоприемни и благоприлични хора. Всеки, който има възможността да посети техния красив кораб, трябва да го направи.

Тук можете да прочетете статия на  Boston Globe за кораба “Миротворец” и неговото общност.

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