UFO Over Kremlin

The video clips below show the same pyramid-like object flying over Kremlin.  The footage has been repeatedly playing on Russian television news channels and the whole country has been buzzing with excitement and speculations.

The first clip was shot during the day while the second shot was taken at night from a car.

The pyramid-like object was said to have been hovering for hours over the Red Square.

As you can imagine, the identity of the object has not been confirmed by officials. Russian police refused to comment.  Nick Pope, a former British Ministry of Defense UFO analyst, says it was “one of the most extraordinary UFO clips I’ve ever seen.”  “At first I thought this was a reflection but it appears to move behind a power line, ruling out this theory.”

Is it a hologram created by pranksters or is a real UFO?  I do not know.  But it is comforting to be reminded that we are not alone in the Universe.

This material is protected by Copyright Law. We are freely sharing it with you with the hope of inspiring you and bringing light to your life.

© Copyright 2010, Rethnea. All rights reserved.

The video clips below show the same pyramid-like object flying over Kremlin.  The footage has been repeatedly playing on Russian television news channels and the whole country has been buzzing with excitement and speculations.

The first clip was shot during the day while the second shot was taken at night from a car.

The pyramid-like object was said to have been hovering for hours over the Red Square.

As you can imagine, the identity of the object has not been confirmed by officials. Russian police refused to comment.  Nick Pope, a former British Ministry of Defense UFO analyst, says it was “one of the most extraordinary UFO clips I’ve ever seen.”  “At first I thought this was a reflection but it appears to move behind a power line, ruling out this theory.”

Is it a hologram created by pranksters or is a real UFO?  I do not know.  But it is comforting to be reminded that we are not alone in the Universe.

This material is protected by Copyright Law. We are freely sharing it with you with the hope of inspiring you and bringing light to your life.

© Copyright 2010, Rethnea. All rights reserved.

The video clips below show the same pyramid-like object flying over Kremlin.  The footage has been repeatedly playing on Russian television news channels and the whole country has been buzzing with excitement and speculations.

The first clip was shot during the day while the second shot was taken at night from a car.

The pyramid-like object was said to have been hovering for hours over the Red Square.

As you can imagine, the identity of the object has not been confirmed by officials. Russian police refused to comment.  Nick Pope, a former British Ministry of Defense UFO analyst, says it was “one of the most extraordinary UFO clips I’ve ever seen.”  “At first I thought this was a reflection but it appears to move behind a power line, ruling out this theory.”

Is it a hologram created by pranksters or is a real UFO?  I do not know.  But it is comforting to be reminded that we are not alone in the Universe.

This material is protected by Copyright Law. We are freely sharing it with you with the hope of inspiring you and bringing light to your life.

© Copyright 2010, Rethnea. All rights reserved.

Видео клиповете по-долу показват същия пирамидо-образен обект, летящ над Кремъл.  Кадрите се показваше постоянно поканали с  нови на  рускити телевизии и в цялата страна се шептеше с вълнение и предположения.

Първият клип е сниман през деня, докато вторият е сниман през нощта, от кола.

Казат, че пирамидо-образният обект се е носил във въздуха над Червения площад с часове.

Както можете да си представите, идентичността на обекта не е била потвърдена от властите. Руската полиция отказва да коментира. Ник Поп, бивш Британски министър на отбраната и анализатор на НЛО казва, че е “било един от най-необикновените клипове за НЛО, които е виждал. ” “От начало това беше отражение, но изглежда се движеше за да мине зад линия за ток, оборвайки тази теория.”

Това холограма ли е, създадена от някой шегаджия или е истинско НЛО?  Не знам. Но е приятно да ти се напомни, че не сме сами във Вселената.

Този материал е под защитата на закона за авторското право. Ние го споделяме с вас с надеждата да ви вдъхновим и донасем светлина в живота ви.


© Copyright 2010, Rethnea. Всички права са запазени.