Because he was coming from so far I offered that we spend a few days together. John was excited. The day after Christmas John and his wife were in Chicago. And our work began.
We spent 3 days together. Working for 6 or more hours a day together. I truly appreciated that I was able to work with both John and his wife because as a family they were going through John’s problems together. We did regressions, tapping, meditation, and spoke in depth how to change things.
We became very close and now I think of them as my Australian family. We were able to create so much change in their lives and release so much emotional baggage. They left Chicago feeling different people.
I loved going very deep and being very thorough with our work. And that is how the idea of a VIP Day was born.

We will use all my tools — past life regression, coaching, tapping, meditation and you will feel and see the results.
I am offering a launch discount on this so act now. Email us at [email protected] for prices and more information.