How to Get Guidance from Your Dreams

Today, we’re going to speak about “Dreams”.

I’m going to teach you how to make the most out of your dreams — to receive guidance, assistance, confirmation and to peak into the future through your dreams.

I can already hear some of you saying “But wait, I don’t remember my dreams”.

Scientists tell us that all of us actually dream. So it’s really just a matter of connecting with that through intention.

I too used to be one of those people who used to say, “You know, I don’t really dream. It’s something that happens to everybody else but not me.” And then I began to engage more with my dreams.

In the video below I give you my process for remembering my dreams and teach you how to interpret your dreams.




Share your dreams and your success with this process in the comments below. I look forward to hearing from you.


How To Get Guidance From Your Dreams

Hello everyone. This is Mira Kelley, the bestselling author of “Beyond Past Lives”.

Today, we’re going to speak about “Dreams”.

I’m going to teach you how to make the most out of your dreams. To receive guidance, assistance, confirmation. To peak into the future through your dreams.

I can already hear some of you saying “But wait, I don’t remember my dreams”. So, we’ll work on it today.

Scientists tell us that all of us actually dream. So it’s really just a matter of connecting with that through intention.

I do used to be one of those people who use to say, “You know, I don’t really dream”. It’s something that happens to everybody else but not me. And then I began to engage more with my dreams.

Sometime ago I was speaking with a friend, and my friend would often share with me his dreams.

And I found it so easy to analyze his dreams. I simply knew that each part of the dream meant something, it was a symbology, it was a symbol that spoke about him, his personality. And having the benefit of knowing my friend I was able to look at the different elements of the dream, relate how they relate to him and give him the meaning of the dream.

So having this experience, made me engage actually more with my dreams.

So here is what I started doing. This is really fun and this is the process I want to teach you.

First (Step 1), you have to write down your question:

So, after you have brushed your teeth, and after it’s so said and done and you’re ready to fall asleep, sit down on your bed and write in your journal or in a notebook, write down your question.

So here’s what I do. I literally write down the word “Question” and then colon (:), and I write in one or two very simple sentences. Very short, very simple sentences my question, what I need guidance with. Anything that’s on my mind, anything. And then I tuck the pen in the notebook. I put the notebook by my pillow case, by my pillow, right with me in bed. I feel that that reinforces my commitment. Because if the notebook is on the floor, or on the nightstand, I feel that it will be too far away from me. I feel that I need that commitment and connection with my intention.

So, as I fall asleep, I am reviewing my question, I’m thinking about it. And then, naturally I drift to sleep.

Now, here’s step number 2 (Step 2):

And this is the critical step in you, allowing yourself to become more aware of your dreams.

When you wake up in the morning, “Don’t open your eyes”.

Don’t’ look at your partner. Don’t check what time it is. Don’t move. Don’t go to the bathroom, don’t get up to go to the bathroom.

If you disconnect and you decide to check your phone, or go to the bathroom, or start talking, or start waking up, you’re going to disconnect from the dream. So even for a second there you’re thinking “Wait, I didn’t dream of anything”, stay in your bed and replay what you experienced.

Now, Step number 3 (Step 3):

Write down what you experienced. Write down your dream.

For step number 3, it’s important that you write underneath your question. Something, right.

If you’re in a hurry, and you need to start your day, just write down a few words. They will be the anchors that will remind you what your dream was. If you have the time, write down your full dream. Just write it out. Give yourself that honoring of your intent.

The writing down of the dream is really very important. I have found out that in the process of writing down my dream, I’m able to analyze it. I’m able to see all the connections. The meaning of each detail actually comes to life for me.

So writing down, VERY, VERY important.

And then, step number 4 (Step 4) is Analyze Your Dream:

Right underneath your question you have the writing of your dream and then just simply analyze it. How does it connect you. What does it mean to you. And sometimes you might not know it, sometimes it might relate to the future.

So, it might not be very clear for you but that’s ok, make the effort to break down the elements of the dream and ask “What do they mean?”.

It’s very easy to search online or open up a dream dictionary and see what these things mean. And, you know, if you’re absolutely out of clues on what your dreams mean, that’s a valid way to go about.

But I want to tell you, your elements and the symbols that you use in your dreams are your own. So, it’s really best that you ask yourself “What does this mean for me”, “How does it relate to my history?”, “What is the significance of it for me?”, “How do I use it?”, “How does it make me feel?”. Because for example the number 98 in a dream might mean something for one person and something else altogether for another person.

So, there you have it. Those are the 4 steps. I have used this process for quite some time now and every night, it works without a fail. I have been able to use it to get answers on future work. What direction to go forward.

Simple things like whether I should do this or the other thing or what choices do I make with work. Of what choices do I make with relationships, how do things unfold. It’s the constant checking in.

I love using this when I have physical challenges, as a healing process.

Really, there isn’t a question that I haven’t used my dreams on.

So, go for it and email me at [email protected] and let me know.

And post below, how are you working with your dreams.

I am sending you all my love.

Sat Nam! We’ll talk soon.