Spiritual Regression Session

I am offering spiritual regression sessions. What is a spiritual regression session? When you need guidance making decisions, want to resolve emotional and health issues or want to understand your purpose in life and the events that surround you you can turn to a...

Crop Circles

Isn’t this beautiful!  This is the largest crop circle ever reported.  Its size is 1,739 feet by 1,476 feet and it appeared near Goes, a town in Southern Holland, on August 8, 2009. It is a large butterfly with a human figure that resembles Da Vinci’s Vitruvian...

Being a Tool in the Hands of God

Dolores Cannon is someone whose work I discovered recently.  Dolores is a hypnotherapist and I am extremely intrigued by the information she presents in the large number of books she has published, as well as the hypnotherapy method she uses. It was this interest that...