by Mira Kelley | Jul 6, 2018 | General
Learn the foolproof technique to stop being abandoned, hurt and betrayed in love and attract your true love now. In this free workshop I will teach you the essential shifts you must make to break your old pattern of being rejected, unwanted and unfulfilled in love....
by Mira Kelley | Dec 13, 2017 | Inspiration
In this video I reveal the secret to manifesting more powerfully and having your heart’s desire come to you.
by Mira Kelley | Oct 16, 2017 | General, Past Life Regression
We get that we create our own reality. We get that beliefs and emotions form our experiences. Yet, when it comes to improving our finances, getting out of debt and experiencing real peace and freedom because we are wealthy, we get stuck. It feels that the environment...
by Mira Kelley | Jun 2, 2017 | General
Your chakras hold the key to unlocking your wealth! In my Unlimited Wealth class we will journey through the chakras to clear your blocks to prosperity. Each chakra acts as a tuner that is able to receive frequency or electromagnetic signals that carry information. As...
by Mira Kelley | Mar 9, 2017 | Inspiration, Videos
What you can imagine you can create. And that is definitely true when it comes to your work. You can do the kind of work you love. And even more importantly you can do it in a way that you are excited about. Let me inspire you and lead the way for you in this video....