Fear of Flying Gone After a Regression

Are you afraid of flying? Patricia was too until she experienced a powerful healing with one of my guided regressions. Here is her email: “Hi Mira, I am writing to tell you about the incredible experience I had today with one of your regressions! Well, I start...

Can I Get Stuck in a Past Life?

“Can I get stuck in a past life?” This question came up when I had a client come in for a past life regression. She shared with me that even though her family was Hindu and they believed in reincarnation, they did not believe that it’s a good idea for a...

Connecting Diet And Events From Past Lives

Many of us suffer from allergies, dietary sensitivities and food intolerances. Sometimes, these can be attributed to our genetic make-up or our environment. But what if you could connect the condition to another life and resolve it in this lifetime? When I worked with...

In Another Life: Reincarnation in America

“In Another Life” is a documentary about past lives and past-life memories and it is fascinating to watch. It includes scientific research and first-hand accounts of children’s past-life memories, spontaneous flashback memories of adults’ past lives,...