by Mira Kelley | Mar 5, 2010 | Earth and Body Temple, Past Life Regression
A friend at work sent out an email to me and our colleagues saying that she is not feeling well and that she is leaving for the day to go to the ER. I responded asking her to take good care of herself and sent her thoughts of health and feeling well. A few days...
by Mira Kelley | Mar 2, 2010 | Past Life Regression
Part 1What did the Yogi say when he walked into the Zen Pizza Parlor?”Make me one with everything.” Part 2When the Yogi got the pizza, he gave the owner a $20 bill. The owner pocketed the bill. The Yogi said, “Don’t I get change?” The...
by Mira Kelley | Feb 26, 2010 | Inspiration, Past Life Regression is celebrating its first birthday today! A year ago the desire to share, to inspire, to encourage people reached a point where it could no longer be contained. It was an idea whose time has come. It was an idea that found a loving home inside my heart,...