
Teach to Understand
During a regression, the client’s Higher Self shared that his lesson in this life is to develop his understanding. To that end the Higher Self was encouraging the client to teach. It said, “You have to teach to understand.” I love the wisdom in these words. I have...
Wedding Jewelry
A friend of mine is getting married this summer. Through a wonderful synchronicity of events I offered to make her a pearl necklace and earrings for her to wear on her wedding day. My friend knew that she wanted her jewelry to be elegant and simple. I had no samples...
How Much Value Has Corporate America Stolen?
By Hypocriticist The news is full of stories about how much money the greedy bankers and corporate titans have taken from regular Americans. I am a capitalist and so I do not trouble myself with the question. But having worked in corporate America, and seen...
Being Stable
One of the things that concerned me about my sweetheart when we first met was how fickle he was. He was often likely to change his mind and this lack of constancy and stability confused me. I though that once a person made up their mind there was really no room for...