Choice, Power and Seeing Electricity

In a rather funny scene in the movie The Secret, Bob Proctor urges us that we should not reject the power of our choices and our ability to apply the creative energy of the Universe just because we cannot perceive it with our very eyes.

Hiroshi Sugimoto is an artist who helps us see the unseen.

In his latest project, called Lightning Fields, the award-winning photographer uses a Van de Graaff generator to send up to 400,000 volts through film to a metal table to photograph electrical charges. Applying electrical discharges on photographic dry plates creates stunning fractal branching, subtle feathering, and furry whirls that excite our imagination. “I see the spark of life itself, the lightning that struck the primordial ooze,” Sugimoto says.

Just like Hiroshi, with every choice we make we constantly direct the power of the Universe to the moments of our lives in both creative and destructive ways.

Photos: © Hiroshi Sugimoto

This material is protected by Copyright Law. We are freely sharing it with you with the hope of inspiring you and bringing light to your life.

© Copyright 2010, Rethnea. All rights reserved.

In a rather funny scene in the movie The Secret, Bob Proctor urges us that we should not reject the power of our choices and our ability to apply the creative energy of the Universe just because we cannot perceive it with our very eyes.

Hiroshi Sugimoto is an artist who helps us see the unseen.

In his latest project, called Lightning Fields, the award-winning photographer uses a Van de Graaff generator to send up to 400,000 volts through film to a metal table to photograph electrical charges. Applying electrical discharges on photographic dry plates creates stunning fractal branching, subtle feathering, and furry whirls that excite our imagination. “I see the spark of life itself, the lightning that struck the primordial ooze,” Sugimoto says.

Just like Hiroshi, with every choice we make we constantly direct the power of the Universe to the moments of our lives in both creative and destructive ways.

Photos: © Hiroshi Sugimoto

This material is protected by Copyright Law. We are freely sharing it with you with the hope of inspiring you and bringing light to your life.

© Copyright 2010, Rethnea. All rights reserved.

In a rather funny scene in the movie The Secret, Bob Proctor urges us that we should not reject the power of our choices and our ability to apply the creative energy of the Universe just because we cannot perceive it with our very eyes.

Hiroshi Sugimoto is an artist who helps us see the unseen.

In his latest project, called Lightning Fields, the award-winning photographer uses a Van de Graaff generator to send up to 400,000 volts through film to a metal table to photograph electrical charges. Applying electrical discharges on photographic dry plates creates stunning fractal branching, subtle feathering, and furry whirls that excite our imagination. “I see the spark of life itself, the lightning that struck the primordial ooze,” Sugimoto says.

Just like Hiroshi, with every choice we make we constantly direct the power of the Universe to the moments of our lives in both creative and destructive ways.

Photos: © Hiroshi Sugimoto

This material is protected by Copyright Law. We are freely sharing it with you with the hope of inspiring you and bringing light to your life.

© Copyright 2010, Rethnea. All rights reserved.

В една доста смешна сцена във филма “Тайната” (The Secret), Боб Проктор ни казва, че не трябва да отхвърляме силата на своя избор и нашата възможност да прилагаме съзидателната енергия на Вселената, само защото не можем да я видим с очите си.

Хироши Сугимото е артист, който ни помага да видим невидимото.

В този най-последен проект, наречен Полета на светкавици, фотографът, спечелил наградата, използва генератор на Ван де Грааф да изпрати до 400,000 волта през филм до метален плот, за да фотографира електрически заряди. Прилагането на електрическо изпразване върху сухи фотографски плаки създава учудващо частично разклонение, едва доловими “перушинки” и  вълнисти вихри, които възбуждат нашето въображение.   “Виждам искрата на самия живот, мълнията, която уцелва изначалното, казва Сигумито.

Точно като Хироши, с взеки избор можем постоянно да направляваме силата на Вселената към моментите от нашите животи, както в креативна, така и в разрушителна насока.

Cнимки: © Hiroshi Sugimoto

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