His Purpose and My Truth

My Uber driver tonight was in his early 20s.

He began telling me about Google partnering with Uber to create cars that can drive on autopilot. He said, “It is pretty impressive … but people will loose their jobs. I don’t want to loose my job.”

I asked him, “If money were not an issue, what would you do.”

“I don’t know” he replied “I don’t want to do this forever, but … I haven’t thought about it that way.”

My response was, “Well, you have a few years to think about it.”

Then I concluded, “Think of it as a blessing. You will be liberated to follow your heart’s desire.”

This sounded just like me being my normal self. But to him it must have been the kind of talk that is out of the ordinary because he asked, “Are you a psychiatrist or something?”

That comment made me laugh out loud so much that my heart is still laughing while I write to tell you the story.

“Something like that,” I said as I was coming out of his car.