What is My Life Purpose?

I often hear this question — “What is my life purpose?”

It is one of the most important questions we all have. We sense within us that there’s a reason why we’re here. We feel that there is something that we can contribute in a way that will be fulfilling and meaningful, in a way that will serve others. Yet for some of us, this answer eludes us.

Watch this video to hear my answer to this question.


There was a time when I too struggled to identify my life’s purpose.

I was given many blessings—a good home, a loving partner and a prestigious job but there was a huge void in me, a sense of emptiness. I felt alone, amidst a life devoid of meaning. Everything changed when I began releasing my fears and doubts and claiming my purpose! I have walked the path you are on. Let me guide you!

I created this program just for you. Join me for a deeply exciting and rewarding journey of transforming your life over 21 days. We will:

  • Explore your past and future lives to discover your purpose
  • Address and remove your deepest fears and anxieties
  • Create your best possible life

Through deep, focused meditation and discussion, I will lead you and a group of fellow travelers on this life-changing adventure.

Our sessions start on January 12 and go through February 2nd and include live group calls and interactive past life regressions along with self-guided meditations, daily devotions, yoga, pranayama and more.

CLICK HERE for the full program details and access to the private group Facebook page – for program participants only.

Spaces are limited so please sign up today!


~ Full Transcript of the Video ~

Hello everyone, I am Mira Kelley.

And today, we are going to answer the question “What is my life’s purpose?”

This is a question I hear so often. I hear it from my personal clients who come to me for personal sessions. I hear it from those who come to my workshops. It truly is one of the most important questions we all have. Because we sense within us that there’s a reason why we’re here, we feel that there is something that we can contribute in a way that will be fulfilling and meaningful, in a way that will serve others. Yet for some of us, this answer eludes us.

So, here’s the answer. I’m going to give you the answer right up front. Your life’s purpose is to be who you truly are.

To simply be yourself. That is all there is to it. It’s a simple answer. Yet, the implications of it are so vast, so expansive, and actually that’s where we get lost.

So, here are a few questions that can help you answer this for yourself — what is your life’s purpose.

What are the things that you love doing? What excites you? What delights you? What gives you that feeling of — this makes me feel alive, this makes me feel good.

Also, is there something that you love to do? And I don’t, I’m not speaking about a career or a profession, but something that you truly love to do and when you do it, time flies by and then you find yourself saying “Oh my, look at the time. Where did that time go?”

Because, you know, your life’s purpose is so aligned with you, that when you are in the midst of it, it feels exciting, it feels invigorating, it feels meaningful.

Here’s also another question you can ask yourself. Look into the challenges that you are having, look into the struggles, maybe you’re already further along the path of living your purpose, may be you have already identified it. And challenges and struggles are coming up.

So here’s an example that will help you understand what I mean. When I began doing past life regression, it was the natural progression of my work that I spread and share this powerful tool with many more people. And yet, I was terrified of public speaking. For me, back then, two people was a crowd and I would get so overwhelmed that nothing meaningful will come out of my mouth.

And I knew that this challenge was really pointing in the right direction. I knew that it was coming up for me to integrate it so that I can do this work in evermore fulfilling, joyful ways that serve evermore people.

So, is there a challenge like that for you as well?

So, please head over to mirakelley.com and give me your comments, give me your answers in the comments below this video. And also, if you want to work with me on identifying your life’s purpose, on releasing what is holding you back, reach out to me through my website, again, mirakelley.com or simply by emailing me at info, I-N-F-O@ mirakelley.com.

I am sending you all my love. I look forward to hearing from you and we’ll talk again soon.